Saturday, November 3, 2012

Twitter Measurement - Blog Post Assignment

  1. Choose a company that has a Twitter profile. Look at the types of tweets and conversations they are having on their twitter profile. Is the content relevant to their target audience? Are they engaging their target audience? Using TwitterCounter, evaluate their follower growth and compare them to their competitors (put the twitter handle in the small box that says Show Twitter users). Using RetweetRank, evaluate their retweet & message amplification and compare it to their competitors. Use to evaluate their conversation and compare it to their competitors. In a blog post:


When you're finished with your post:

5.                   Click the link above to submit the link to your blog post.

6.                   Post a link to your blog post on the Twitter Measurement discussion board for Module 8.

7.                   Comment on your peers' posts.

             Report on your findings using TwitterCounter, RetweetRank & BrandTweet -- how does your company compare to their competitors?

Using Twittercounter, I compared DELL with HP. And the result is from 08-03-2012 to 11-03-2012, the number followers of DELL is increasing from about 43k-49k, But for HP, the followers are from 150k-more than 160k. I can tell that HP’s followers are much more than DELL’s but during these 3 mouth, DELL’s increasing speed is faster.

Using RetweetRank to compare DELL and HP. The results are as follow

Although the followers are much less than HP’s, Dell’s retweet rank is higher than HP. The retweet rank of DELL is 63,599- approx. 98.6 percentile. HP’s Retweet rank is 21,286-approx 99.53 percentage.


Using Brandtweet to compare DELL and HP. I can find that DELL’s interaction with people is obviously more than HP’s. The specific data of two company is similar but DELL’s data is better than HP’s totally.


    • Discuss how the company is using their Twitter profile

For these kind of big company, the main use of twitter is to publish new product information or activity information. And also a good platform for customer to contact the company. They can use twitter to realize the public praise of products and also solve the problem online also make the relationship with customers become closers.

    • Make recommendations for how they might improve in their use of Twitter to engage their target audience

I think this period of time, DELL’s performance on twitter is pretty good, because the retweet rate is high that is means much people are pay attention to this brand. And also the followers are increasing dramatically during these three years. Unfortunately the followers are less. I think DELL should focus on how to increase the amount of followers in short time like tweet more product information or hold activity online.

1 comment:

  1. Yes i do agree that HP is fallen behind in several areas of there competitor Dell. This was a great demonstration Ning. And as you stated this is what Twiiter is for to get feedback, but HP is not using this to there highest potential.
