Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Guidelines for Measuring Relationships in PR - Blog Post Assignment

  1. In a blog post, give an example of a company or organization that has good relationships with its audience. And answer the following questions:

In my personal idea, APPLE is the example that has good relationships with its audience

    • How does the organization maintain good relationships with its audience?

Open Facebook, twitter, and its own website pages for people interaction and focus on advertising and activities. Its customer services are really good. This company always catches most attention when new product is coming.

    • How might it measure those efforts to maintain its relationships?

Output, outtakes, and outcome are the most common way to measure it. Sales, market share, customer’s feedback, click rate of their websites, browsing time for people on their website, topics about their products on social media are all the ways to measure it.


                        Why is it important to measure those relationships?

Those relationships are important to a company.  Good relationship can help the company have the accurate feedback and maintain their social image and influence. Measure relationship can help a company find out problem and advantages which can provide exactly solution about how to deal with the problems efficiency.

    • What is the value of those good relationships to the organization?

Good relationships can make their work easier. The satisfaction from customer will be higher. If there are any problems in their products, company can receive customer’s true feelings and improve it. Also, good relationships with media can maintain their image and also enhance Positive dissemination.

    • What might be the organizations appropriate goals? Explain why they would be appropriate goals.

I think the appropriate goals for APPLE is to become the leader of electronic companys. Like APPLE always do. Design is the most important thing in their products. It always lead the trend and change people’s life. Earn money is one goal, the other one is make people’s life more continent and colorful.

    • What might be the outcomes of these successful relationships and how might they be measured?

For apple, the outcomes of successful relationships is when a new products coming. Countless people will pay close attention to it. Media scramble for reporting. This social influence is the best advertising and good to this company. They can also measure by reputation , click rate of website, situation of ordering before sell.


  1. Ning Zhu,

    I would argue that Apple's main connection to its customers is BRAND LOYALTY. Many people, (myself included), purchase Apple products for their reliability, general "cool" factor, and of course, the Apple brand.

    The value of that seemingly cult-like relationship for Apple is more than just customer satisfaction -- its customer DEVOTION. Companies strive everyday to build what Apple has established in just 10 years -- and thats all thanks to some great marketing and PR.

    Good post!

    P.S. 你说中文吗?我学中文在 Oakland 大学。:-)

    1. 哇!所以你认识中文吗!太厉害了!

  2. Apple has a pretty solid hold on a lot of its customers, that can't be argued. I do however find some of their stunts to be generating bad publicity. The latest being their law suits over trivial matters. That said they still maintain a loyal customer base though may be losing out in drawing in new ones.
